Wednesday, March 27, 2013


Last Fall in a town just outside of Anchorage, Alaska, Travis entered the harbor, docked his boat and stepped onto the shore. He was warmly met by Patrick the Mayor of Anchorage. The two Mayors (Travis being that of Fairbanks) were very kind and respectful to each other, Patrick was a very hospitable Mayor. Plus it didn't hurt that Travis was the son in law of Patrick. Travis lived in Fairbanks with his wife Pam who after years of being away from her old home and family wanted to see her sister again, who lived all the way in Anchorage.   Travis made his way all the way to Anchorage and when he got there he saw the most stunning woman, dressed as a queen with the beauty of an angel. Immediately he wanted nothing more than to sleep with her. The trouble was that she was his sister in law and his wife Pam would most likely be furious.

Travis took Penny, Pam's sister, to his hunting cabin in the woods where he proceded to rape her. He did not really know what to do with her now. He did realize that obviously no one could ever figure out about this horrible act, so Travis grabbed his hunting knife and cut out the tongue of this beautiful, beautiful woman. He left her in the cabin and drove his truck 100 miles along a dirt road to get back to his boat, when he got home he simply told his wife that her sister had gotten killed in a hunting accident last week. Pam was devastated and went into mourning for her baby sister.

Penny still being in the cabin had no real means of escape because she was so far away from any civilization with not tongue to cry for help and no car to travel. She knew how long the dirt road went for because of the trip to the cabin so there was no way she could walk all that way. There was no phone and no computer in this little cabin. To keep her self from going mad she started writing, she wrote about what had happened to her and what Travis had did. She got a passing by hunting party to take the letter to Pam, feeling as though she was safer staying in the cabin where Travis would think she was isolated.

When Pam got this letter, she knew immediately whose handwriting it was. She did not shed a tear now for it was time for revenge. She went to work on devising a devious plan.

Pam took Travis' son out hunting early the next morning, they hiked out about a mile and a half before she loaded her rife and put it to his head. Travis' son pleaded and cried for her to show mercy for it was not he who wronged her. It didn't matter. Pam pulled the trigger and blew a hole in his head. She cleaned him like a deer, skinnng him and removing his innerds. She didn't see him as any better that his father, and the rest of Travis' family she thought of as demons. She hiked back his cleaned body and walked directly into the kitchen. For the rest of the day she made a feast for Travis. She told him that it was nessesary for all his hard work lately helping out the community. She pulled together this gorgeous feast for him, all with his sons body. She made stew, steak, cornbread, salad, and even fried his sons eyeballs and made Rocky Mountain Oysters from him.

When she presented all this to Travis, he was overjoyed. He was not aware that his son was incorperated into this entire meal. Pam told him to watch the game and left him all to himself to devour all of this great food. He chowed down while watching his favorite team the Seahawks feast on the Redskins in the NFC Wild Card game. When the game was over and the food was all gone nothing could bring him down... or so he thought.

Pam walked in with the letter rolled up from her sister in one hand and Travis' sons' head in the other. She threw it on the table and right away Travis knew what had happened, he chased her, but being so full and so devastated that he just ate his son, Pam jumped in his truck and peeled out of the drive way, never to return to this city.

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