Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Signs and Symbols

When I first read this story I didn't see that there were three pages for a few minutes hahaha I was trying to find what everyone else was talking about, looking on google for a different version and scrolling through all of the other blogs trying to piece this together... =P But after I found the next page button small as it may be everything everyone was saying made much more sense, duh.

Getting to the story, obviously the whole piece is filled with signs and symbols, imagine that! But I'm sure I missed more than I found. I feel bad for the parents as I am sure most do, but I am also happy for them making the decision to bring home their son. When the phone rang for the first time I was almost 100% positive it was because they had lost their son. When it rang the second time I was a little less worried for the family because that was too coincidental to be a different person on the line. Professor said that if something happens once it is chance, if something happens twice it is coincidence and if something happens three times it is design (mythology) I dont remember if it was because of this Nibokov story he said it but it fits with the phone calls for sure.

The way that the piece kind of left you hanging and wondering what happened I liked because you kind of get to choose 'your' own destiny on how you want to interoperate the piece. It reminded a lot of the movie Inception because at the end of that movie you kind of get to decide for yourself if he was still dreaming or if it was in fact real life. Also the dream within a dream fits a little into this story because there were a few mini storys that did not seem to fit in, and did not seem to be of much importance but I am sure that is just because of my ignorance, just like the movie little pieces that seem obsolete can make it that much more interesting after you figure them out.

The connection from Ovid to Nibokov was to Icarus and Daedalus because the son wanted to fly, and the father wants to free him. It could maybe have a slight connection to Phaeton's ride because the son wants to fly and I guess you could say the father wants to free him in that story too, but he more just wants too protect him. I think an argument could be made for either but Icarus and Daedalus story might be a little bit close of a connection.    

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