Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Creation Myth-Norse

So I pretty much butchered my speech today on the Norse creation... I made a few mistakes on what I said and forgot a couple of pieces I wanted to say. As I started I got stumbled up on what I was trying to say and then from there I started talking backwards and it just got bad hahaha.

I said in my speech that Ymir sweated out Giants and man, that was incorrect, he sweated out man and woman who were both giants. Ymir was the one who fed off of the Cow, which I accidentally said the humans used her for nutriton. The gods were created from the cow uncovering them from the ice.

So now that we got that all out of the way, here goes the "real" more correct myth.

In the beginning there was nothing, to the north formed a land of mist and ice, through the ice flowed twelve rivers that eventually flowed to reach the land that of fire and volcano flow that came from the south. Ymir the father of all giants was born in the ice, but was melted because of the heat from the lands of fire. He fed off of the life giving milk of a cow that was also uncovered from the ice. The cow, Audumla, licked the ice and uncovered another being. This being's son, and Ymir's daughter had three kids who became the three gods. The giants revolted against their creator and killed Ymir, whose blood filled the lands and drowned everybody but two. The three gods lifted Ymir's body out of the giant abyss of blood and his body became the land of the earth. More gods rose out of the abyss to join the born original three and created the land the gods live on, Asgard which they located right above the earth they were creating (Migard). As the gods were walking across earth they came across two lifeless trees, which they created into a man and a woman. The gods gave them; souls, the ability to reason, breath, warmth and the colors of life. The land of ice and mist became where souls go after they die. A giant oak tree grew and connected all the worlds and a golden rooster sat atop the tree and sounded a horn that was to announce the final battle of the gods and Giants fron the land of Ice.
It was told at the beginning of the earth that a battle between gods and giants would wipe out all life; gods, giants, and humans.

Sorry for my terrible presentation but this is more or less what I should have said.  

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