Tuesday, January 22, 2013


In my dream last night, I'm not sure how it really started, but I found my self in the JStone cafeteria. I 'woke' to my dream talking to a gorgeous girl in the line for food. We talked grabbed our food, not sure what it was that wasn't important haha we sat down and chatted about everything under the moon. Then all of a sudden I found myself in a room with two firefighters. One of which I noticed was wearing a sidearm, which caught my eye immediately. They were both standing and the cop was sitting down, looking very distraught. The room was very small, probably only about 10x10. What happened next happened all in slow motion, The cop reached for his gun and pointed it at the firefighter that was armed too. No body said anything but the firefighter reached very slowly for his and the cop did nothing but shake his head side to side. The firefighter stopped with his hand hovering just above his grip. He took his left hand and reached for the cops gun but missed. Then he just froze. What I did next happened even slower. I grabbed the cops gun, dropped the magazine out and forced the gun pointed up, I shot the only round left and took it away from him. He just sat back down and said nothing and did nothing, although he looked very confused and disappointed at the same time. I don't remember anything after that, but thought it was a pretty cool dream :)

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