Wednesday, April 17, 2013

My life as a Mythic Detective-Again

The last two days I have had the most intense most awesome s*** happen.

It started yesterday before my philosophy lecture I was doing the reading that you're supposed to do every day before class (though I rarely do). Last couple of lectures we have been talking about death and what is beyond and how meaningful life is. So reading about this really was like woah, we're talking about death in philosophy, we're talking about the apocalypse and the end in mythologies, and my first semester of college away from home is about to end. I was like holy smokes thats cool everything is piecing together -nothing to really write home about but, nice. Then when I was in lecture my professor mentioned Sisyphus and I was like "Sisyphus! I know him!"-in Will Ferrell's Elf voice. I immediately took out Ovid's Metamorphoses (Yeah I was carrying it around!!) I went to the glossary and found where he was and started looking at it a little bit while listening to the lecture, kind of, haha. We were talking about the meaning of everything, heavy stuff no? And how some people see life as a boulder being pushed by you up a mountain. How every time you reach the top mountain, or get to a peak, (peaks are accomplishments and goals you set for yourself and reach) the boulder falls down again and you start all the way back over. So your whole life goal is to get a college degree and you work for some 24 odd years to do this, you succeed, alright now what? So that was weighing on my mind a little bit I was like "I should use this in my speech tomorrow."

Little did I know it was far from over. 

This morning I woke up late, slept through my alarm, and as my room mate was about to leave he goes, "Yo! its 8:45" and in my head I was like no way, I have to be in class in 15 minutes, so I get ready for class about at the pace you would expect a sloth to move, get to class and start drinking an energy drink, otherwise I would be back asleep in no time flat. Professor starts class unusually chill, and says something like 'alright this class is going to be very abbreviated we're just going to finish up mondays section and y'all are free to go.' That was a great surprise especially since I was about one ounce of energy from just not going and forfeiting the days points. Lecture was very short, probably only like 25 minutes. Teacher evaluation done, I head to the library headphones on ready to do something. As I am walking up the stairs one of my favorite songs at the moment comes on, it's an older song by J. Cole called Cole World the first verse of the song starts as follows...

"It took me all day to find some inspiration
It just hit me like a ton of bricks, no renovation
Problem with the game now, ain't no innovation
I see my s*** all in your s***, we call that imitation"

I was like sweet I love this song, I got some inspiration, let's get down to business. The funny thing is thats actually how inspiration comes to me, out of no where like a ton of bricks. The third line realtes actually to mythologies in the fact that it's very hard if not impossible to be original. At the end of that first verse He talks about taking his money to the casino and trying to make more so he can pay off student loans, and how life is getting in the way of paying them back right now. As is the case with most people trying to pay them off with absurdly high tuition and interest. This in a few years here, is going to relate to just about everybody at this school. 

"My shows be off the handle, take the proceeds go to gamble
Ha! Bet it on black and pray, I quadruple my salary
If I win, maybe then I could pay Sallie Mae
Told her I be dealin' with some real-life s***
She be askin' "When?", b****, when I feel like it"

I sit down in my favorite spot in the library and start getting out both philosophy and mythologies work. I went back and forth on which one to start with and ended up on Philosophy, just because I already wrote my paper and figured out my speech portion for today. 

I turn to the Classical for Studying channel on my phone and open where I left off yesterday before class....

More coincidences approaching...

I never really pay attention to the songs names or what is even playing it's more just background noise to keep me focused. I thought to myself 'this song is pretty cool, I like it.' Haha half the time I dont even realize when a song starts of stops. Because I am too busy reading. I left off yesterday with one page left in the section, and somehow my laziness payed off in dividends. The whole time I am reading this page all I can think is, mythology mythology mythology. This certain page is all about how no matter what happens after death it is not the end, and the very least your body recycles and helps out the earth. This section is written by Thomas W. Clark, a Cambridge philosophy professor who write papers constantly for magazines and really everybody.

I was so excited while reading this last page, I was making connections from philosophy to mythologies to life about every other line. It took me like thirty minutes to read one page. I was so pumped about what was going on in my head, that if anybody was around they probably thought I was going crazy:) I got so stoked I paused my music for a bit and when I paused it I saw what it was titled Life and Death and the album name was New Life. Needless to say when I saw the name of the song that seemed too perfectly matched for this section when finished the page I freaked out and said "I HAVE TO BLOG THIS" then got a couple shhhhhs from people around me, being in the quiet section and all. I ran around the library looking for someone, anyone to let me borrow a highlighter so I could mark down some really sweet quotes. After asking four different people all with the response "I don't even have one sorry dude" I saw the most beautiful girl sitting so peacefully obviously studying and being very productive, kind of just stood there staring at her awkwardly for a solid 20 seconds and eventually just thought, 'Do it for Sexton!' Shyly asked for a highlighter, she ended up being very sweet and gave me one. This isn't that important except for the fact that it all worked out and I was so stoked to do this that Mythologies gave me the opportunity to talk to her and get a lovely smile haha. 

I sat back down thinking about how gorgeous she was and when I read the first line my mind was like 'forget that, look what we got here!! haha' A couple of lines that stood out to me "[When you go to sleep] a completely different person wakes up and then buy the notion that there is no real difference between death by transformation and ordinary death." Tell me that is not a perfect quote for this final stretch of this class. 

I have a couple more quotes that I will save for a surprise in my presentation today.

This post ended up being wayyyy longer than I planned but that'll happen, 
C'est la vie     

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